Car accidents, truck accidents, rideshare accidents, motorcycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, and bicycle accidents cause serious injuries each day. Yet, if you’re hurt because of an accident, it is likely that one of your first questions is… who is responsible for those expenses? 

In this blog post, our friends at Herschensohn Law Firm, PLLC explore:

  • Who may be responsible for your expenses
  • What happens if the responsible party died because of the accident
  • How the facts of your case impact your compensation
  • Whether an attorney can help you with your claim.

Who May Be Responsible For Your Expenses?

If you’re injured in an accident, it is imperative to determine who may be responsible for your injuries. To be compensated for your expenses or have your expenses paid for, the responding law enforcement officer and the insurance company determine who holds the fault for the accident. 

From there, it will also be looked at to determine if the parties share the negligence. If so, you must hold less than 51% of the negligence to be entitled to compensation. 

What Happens If The Responsible Party Died?

Some accidents involve a fatality. Even if the person who is responsible for your injuries passes away, you can still seek compensation for your injuries and expenses. The settlement payout or the award from the court may come from the insurance company that covered the deceased. 

It’s About Facts Surrounding Your Case

Regardless of who is responsible for your case and injuries, one of the most important things to remember is that what you may be entitled to receive depends on the facts surrounding your claim. For example, if you hold 32% of the liability, you will likely receive more in compensation than someone else who held 50% of the liability. 

The more severe your injuries are and the more serious your claim is, the more likely it is that you will get more compensation. 

How An Attorney Can Help With Personal Injury Expenses

Between recovering from your injuries to receiving compensation, a car accident lawyer can be very helpful. If you work with an attorney, you can focus solely on recovering from your injuries while knowing that you have a partner who is looking out only for what is in your best interest. They may even be able to ensure that you’re able to get the medical care you need to get your life back. 

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